![Drone_Photo_1[1]](http://003d42aa8c03af18d9da-b35f9d655a30aa25310c971dfc2d91af.r15.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Drone_Photo_11-1-317x228.jpg )
Technology in Construction – How Far We Have Come
![Drone_Photo_1[1]](http://003d42aa8c03af18d9da-b35f9d655a30aa25310c971dfc2d91af.r15.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Drone_Photo_11-1-317x228.jpg )
July 16, 2019
At first, there was a rope and pulley system and then machinery. Now, there is drone technology. A recent study reported 26% of construction professionals are using drone technology or plan to use it by 2020. Of those who currently use drone technology, Georgia Tech indicates that job efficiency improves ▸