Our true integrated design-build approach combines the best of architectural design, engineering, construction and development to deliver superior quality and consistent value for our clients. Four disciplines, one point of contact.
Our true integrated design-build approach combines the best of architectural design, engineering, construction and development to deliver superior quality and consistent value for our clients. Four disciplines, one point of contact.
May 4, 2017
The design-build method of project delivery creates innovative solutions in the fluidity and cost effectiveness of large construction projects. This same model of implementation is becoming increasingly important in the world of New York infrastructure projects where saving time and money can have a critical impact on the state’s budgets ▸
January 17, 2017
The term urbanization refers to the growing number of people living and moving to urban areas. This is part of a historical change in society as populations have shifted from rural to urban living over the past several years. A report from Forbes.com stated large pools of young college-educated workforces ▸
January 12, 2017
A concept we’ve only witnessed in science fiction films and space-age movies is finally working its way into mainstream markets. According to Statista and Touchstone Research, the revenue for virtual reality products is projected to reach $4.6 billion dollars by next year, reaching 171 million users by 2018. Virtual reality ▸
January 4, 2017
Architektón is the Greek word for Master Builder. Structures like the Theatre of Dionysus, the Parthenon, the cathedrals of Europe, the London Bridge, and the White House were all testaments to the Master Builder concept. In fact, Master Builders date as far back as 1800 BC in Mesopotamia. The Master ▸
December 16, 2016
Building projects and the term “over-budget” seem far too commonly associated together. A quick Google search will give you endless pages of building projects across the country which resulted in over-spending or cost overrun. Here’s an article discussing Lakewood schools in Ohio running $6 million over-budget on building projects. Nearby ▸
November 22, 2016
According to the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), buildings account for almost 40% of the national CO2 emissions and they out-consume both the industrial and transportation sectors. Buildings account for a large portion of global energy usage, resource expenditure, and greenhouse gas emissions. This has driven a demand from ▸
July 26, 2016
A common consideration early in the building process among decision-makers is the choice between using one firm for all aspects of your project (architecture, engineering, construction, development) or using separate firms for each component. While cases can be made for each approach, our team at VIP Structures feels our integrated ▸