
Do We Expand or Build New? Should We Own or Lease?

Major construction is a complex, risk-laden venture that involves the expenditure of large sums of capital and demands constant attention to achieve success. An owner embarking on a construction project must make a number of important decisions regarding expansion or building new. If a new facility is the way to

Historic Tax Credits Benefit Architects, Engineers, and Construction firms

In our digital world of immediate gratification and “get-it-now” mentality, it’s good to know that things of the past still have value. When you think about news that is outdated the minute it is released, it’s encouraging to see that some things that have endured the test of time still

What is the Best Time of Year to Start Design-Build Projects?

There is really nothing quite like the excitement of breaking ground on a new design-build integrated project. After months of planning, managing, and anticipating, the launch of a new structure signals the culmination of expertise and integration. But when is the best time to get started? This depends on the

Start Your Next Building Project with a Space Consultant

Building projects and the term “over-budget” seem far too commonly associated together. A quick Google search will give you endless pages of building projects across the country which resulted in over-spending or cost overrun. Here’s an article discussing Lakewood schools in Ohio running $6 million over-budget on building projects. Nearby